Equality in Liberia

In the capital of Liberia, as little as that country is Library spreads a big message to all of Africa. In Monrovia, young girls wear hats on their heads that say ‘ Equality ’, right on the center. The reason for the hat’s was to pass around the message of gender equality. The hats were worn on ‘day of the girl’, by most young girls in elementary school. In the image of that article you can see four young girls wearing tall white hats. Every hat says a different message, but all have the same context. If I was in school and I knew that girls were wearing those hats to get the message of equality passed down, I would too wear a hat. I feel like I would wear the hat with pride, because we do need more inequality in the US, and special Africa. Unlike the US, some parts of Africa are developing countries, or least developed; which means that they have old fashion ways of thinking. For example, the choice of marriage is not an option for young girls; it is a must.http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-41682882


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